How to Design a Website that sells

How to design a website that sells in 2024

How to design a website that sells in 2024. Designing a website that sells effectively involves strategic planning, user-centric design, and marketing considerations. Here are some steps to help you design a website that sells in 2024:

1. Define your target audience

Understand your potential customers, their needs, preferences, and pain points. Creating a buyer persona can enable you to determine their demographics, interests, and behaviours.

2. Choose a suitable platform

Select an e-commerce platform that fits your business needs. Popular options include Shopify, WooCommerce (built on WordPress), BigCommerce, and Magento.

3. User-friendly interface

Ensure the website’s clean, intuitive, and user-friendly design. Make it easy for customers to navigate, find products, and purchase.

4. High-quality visuals

Don’t underestimate the use of high-quality photos and videos to showcase your products from different angles. Visuals are crucial for attracting and engaging potential customers.

5. Clear product descriptions

Provide comprehensive, accurate, and compelling product descriptions. Highlight the benefits and unique selling points to persuade users to buy.

6. Secure and easy checkout process

Implement a secure payment gateway and a streamlined checkout process. Offer multiple payment options and guest checkout to minimise friction.

7. Mobile responsiveness

Mobile responsiveness: Optimise your website for mobile devices, as many users shop using smartphones and tablets.

8. Search engine optimisation (SEO)

Research relevant keywords and incorporate them into your website’s content to improve search engine rankings. Properly utilising SEO will increase the chances of potential customers finding your site.

9. Customer reviews and testimonials

Customer reviews and testimonials: To create trust and credibility, display customer reviews and testimonials. Positive feedback can help potential buyers feel more confident about their purchase decisions.

10. Call-to-action (CTA) buttons

Use clear and compelling CTA buttons to entice visitors to take specific actions, for instance “Add to Cart” or “Buy Now.”

11. Email marketing integration

Email marketing integration: Include an option for users to subscribe to your mailing list. Email marketing will enable you to engage with potential customers regularly through newsletters and promotional offers.

12. Social proof and social media integration

Showcase social media profiles and user-generated content to reinforce the legitimacy of your brand and products.

13. Abandoned cart recovery

Implement a mechanism to remind users who abandoned their carts to complete their purchases through targeted emails or notifications.

14. A/B Testing

Continuously test different design elements, layouts, and copy to identify what resonates best with your audience and drives higher conversions.

15. Analyse and improve

Analyse and improve: Utilise web analytics tools like Google Analytics to monitor your website’s performance. Analyse data, identify bottlenecks and make data-driven improvements to optimise your sales funnel.


Remember, an effective e-commerce website is a continuous work in progress. Stay updated with industry trends, listen to customer feedback, and adapt your website accordingly to keep it relevant and successful.

Check out our other guide to help you design a website that sells in 2024 or check our website design service and find out how we can help you design a website that sells in 2024.

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